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Vaping FAQs

What is an e-cigarette?

An e-cigarette is an electronic device designed as a tobacco smoking substitute that creates a vapor mist to replicate the experience of smoking a traditional cigarette. There is a wide variety of e-cigarettes available to cater to different preferences and budgets.

What are the benefits of e-cigarettes versus regular cigarettes?

E-cigarettes have several advantages over regular cigarettes:

Fewer Harmful Chemicals: Regular cigarette smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals, including carcinogens and toxins. E-cigarettes, on the other hand, are non-combustible and do not produce harmful byproducts such as ash, smoke, tar, or many of the harmful chemicals found in traditional cigarettes.

Reduced Health Risks: While not completely risk-free, e-cigarettes are considered by many experts to be a less harmful alternative to smoking because they don't produce the same harmful combustion byproducts.

No Lingering Odor: E-cigarettes do not produce the strong, lingering odor associated with traditional cigarettes.

Reduced Secondhand Smoke Risk: E-cigarette vapor is generally considered less harmful to bystanders compared to secondhand smoke from traditional cigarettes.

What is an atomizer?

An atomizer is a component of an e-cigarette that sits atop the battery and uses heat to vaporize e-liquid. Atomizers can come in various forms, including disposable ones, those with replaceable coils, and rebuildable atomizers for advanced vapers who want greater control over their vaping experience.

What is a coil?

A coil is a crucial component of your vaping device. Typically, a manufactured coil consists of a wire wrapped around cotton. The cotton soaks up e-liquid, and when the coil is heated by the battery, it turns the e-liquid into vapor. The resistance of a coil is measured in ohms, which determines how much current the coil allows to pass through it. Lower-resistance coils produce more heat, vapor, and intense flavor but consume more e-liquid and drain the battery faster.

What is sub-ohm vaping?

Sub-ohm vaping involves using a coil with a resistance of less than 1 ohm. Sub-ohm setups often incorporate thicker wire and increased airflow, allowing for higher power usage before excessive heat is generated. This results in larger vapor clouds and more intense flavor.

When should I replace my coil?

Coils have a limited lifespan influenced by factors such as device usage, power settings, e-liquid choice, and more. You should replace your coil when you notice a burnt or poor taste from your atomizer.

How do I prime my coil to avoid premature burnout?

Properly priming your coil is crucial to avoid burning it prematurely. Follow these steps:

  1. Drip e-liquid into the top and side holes of the coil, allowing the cotton to soak it up.
  2. Refit the coil and fill your tank with vape juice.
  3. Wait a few minutes to allow the cotton to fully saturate.
  4. Take a few primer puffs (gentle pulls on the atomizer without firing the device).
  5. If your device has adjustable power, start at a low setting and gradually increase it to your preferred level.

What is the difference between 'mouth to lung' and 'direct to lung' vaping?

These terms describe two different inhaling techniques:

Mouth to Lung (MTL): In MTL vaping, you inhale vapor into your mouth and then draw it into your lungs, similar to smoking a traditional cigarette. This method is recommended for new vapers as it mimics the smoking experience more closely and typically uses higher nicotine and PG levels.

Direct to Lung (DTL): DTL vaping involves inhaling vapor directly into your lungs, similar to breathing normally. It produces more vapor, intense flavor, and is preferred by experienced vapers. DTL vaping typically requires lower nicotine and higher VG e-liquids.

What is e-liquid?

E-liquid, also known as e-juice, vape liquid, vape juice, or coil sauce, is the liquid that you add to your vaping device. When heated by the coil, it turns into vapor. E-liquid consists of four main ingredients: propylene glycol (PG), vegetable glycerin (VG), flavorings, and nicotine (optional). You can customize your e-liquid based on factors like nicotine strength, VG/PG ratio, and flavor.

Which nicotine strength should I go for?

Nicotine strength in e-liquids is typically measured in milligrams of nicotine per milliliter (mg/ml). The appropriate strength for you depends on your smoking habits:

  • 10+ regular cigarettes per day: 18 mg nicotine strength.
  • Up to 10 light cigarettes per day: 12 mg nicotine strength.
  • Up to 10 ultra-light cigarettes per day: 6 mg nicotine strength.
  • Very light or occasional smokers: 3 mg nicotine strength.
  • Nicotine-free: 0 mg nicotine strength.

What is propylene glycol (PG) and vegetable glycerin (VG)?

PG and VG are the base liquids used in e-liquids. They help carry flavor and nicotine and produce vapor when heated.

PG (Propylene Glycol): Tasteless and thinner than VG. It provides a throat hit similar to smoking a traditional cigarette. PG is better suited for higher nicotine levels and works well in lower-powered devices. However, it can cause throat dryness for some users.

VG (Vegetable Glycerin): Slightly sweet and thicker than PG. VG produces larger vapor clouds and delivers a more intense flavor. It's often preferred by vapers who use lower nicotine levels and higher-powered devices.

Most people start with a 50/50 VG/PG blend and then experiment with different ratios to find their preferred balance of vapor production, throat hit, and flavor.

What PG/VG split do your e-liquids contain?

Most of our own brand Smokey Chaser e-liquids have a 50/50 VG/PG split. However, premium, high VG e-liquids may have ratios like 70/30 or 80/20 (VG/PG) for enhanced flavor and vapor production.

Battery and coil safety

For information on battery and coil safety, refer to our separate guide on these topics.

Please note that regulations and recommendations regarding vaping may vary by region, so it's essential to stay informed about local laws and guidelines.


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