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Smokey Chaser's Guide to Priming Your Coils

Discover the essential steps to prime your vape coils effectively and ensure a longer coil lifespan. Learn how to prevent premature burnout and avoid issues like flooding and gurgling with our comprehensive coil priming guide.

How to Prime Your Coils to Avoid Premature Burnout

Properly priming your coils is crucial for extending their lifespan and enhancing your vaping experience. Follow these straightforward instructions to ensure successful coil priming:

  1. Begin by dripping a generous amount of e-liquid onto the top of the coil. Allow the cotton to absorb the liquid between each drip until the white cotton through the side holes becomes visibly wet.
  2. If excess e-liquid remains after saturating the cotton, gently flick the coil to remove it.
  3. Reinstall the coil and refill your tank with your preferred vape juice.
  4. Allow the setup to sit for a few minutes, allowing the coil to fully absorb the e-liquid.
  5. Take a few 'Primer Puffs' by gently pulling on the atomizer without firing the device.
  6. For devices with adjustable power, start at a low setting and gradually increase the power in intervals until you reach your preferred level.
  7. Congratulations, your coil is now properly primed and ready for optimal performance!

Note: Coils with high sweetener concentration can significantly reduce coil life.

Troubleshooting Tip: Dealing with Spitting and Gurgling

If your device experiences spitting and gurgling sounds when fired, it may be due to a flooded coil. Follow these steps to resolve the issue:

  1. If possible, remove the mouthpiece.
  2. Gently flick the device downward, allowing excess liquid to drain from the coil.
  3. If needed, fire the device to eliminate any remaining liquid and resolve the gurgling sound.

The Significance of Proper Coil Priming

Your coil serves as the core component of your vaping device, responsible for converting e-liquid into vapor. Coils typically consist of a heating element encased in cotton, which absorbs and vaporizes the e-liquid upon applying power.

Knowing When to Replace Your Coils

The lifespan of your coils depends on several factors, such as usage frequency, power settings, e-liquid choice, and more. Replace your coil when you notice a burnt or poor taste from your atomizer, ensuring consistent and satisfying vaping experiences.

Priming your vape coils correctly is essential for maximizing their longevity and overall performance. Follow our expert guidance to avoid premature burnout and enjoy a smooth vaping journey.

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